
Contemplative in the Kootenays

The next gathering of Contemplative in the Kootenays is scheduled for Saturday, March 25th, just south of Kaslo.  (Directions below to the home of Leah Seaman, our host.) Our day starts at 10 am and ends at 3 pm.  We’ll be doing Centering Prayer (Surrender Meditation); lectio divina; walking meditation; and celebrating open communion at …

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Contemplative in the Kootenays

The next gathering of Contemplative in the Kootenays is scheduled for Saturday, February 18th, in Nelson.  (Directions below to the home of Muriel Tyler, our host.) Our day starts at 10 am and ends at 3 pm.  We’ll be doing Centering Prayer (Surrender Meditation); lectio divina; walking meditation; and celebrating open communion at the end. …

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