
Tuesday Morning Meditation

Join us every Tuesday morning from 8 am to 9 am for meditation. We start with a brief check-in, riff on a theme, and sit in Centering Prayer for 20 minutes or so. Email Therese here if you want more information or would like to join this Zoom group.

Tuesday Morning Meditation

Join us every Tuesday morning from 8 am to 9 am for meditation. We start with a brief check-in, riff on a theme, and sit in Centering Prayer for 20 minutes or so. Email Therese here if you want more information or would like to join this Zoom group.

Tuesday Morning Meditation

Join us every Tuesday morning from 8 am to 9 am for meditation. We start with a brief check-in, riff on a theme, and sit in Centering Prayer for 20 minutes or so. Email Therese here if you want more information or would like to join this Zoom group.

Tuesday Morning Meditation

Join us every Tuesday morning from 8 am to 9 am for meditation. We start with a brief check-in, riff on a theme, and sit in Centering Prayer for 20 minutes or so. Email Therese here if you want more information or would like to join this Zoom group.

Mini-Retreat: Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, OR

Therese will be leading the November Mini-Retreat at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, November 18, 2023. This in-person gathering will focus on the inseparability of grief and joy. The event begins at 9 am and ends at noon. More information to come.

Wide Spot: Stung

Last year, my revered teacher made some unconsidered remarks to a board on which I serve. Part of the problem was that she didn’t recognize the competence of the people in front of her; that stung us. Another board member pointed out her misconception, and the group went on to vote in favor of the …

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Wide Spot: Sacred

When I was a kid, sacred was about church. It was the Lord’s Prayer repeated each Sunday; it was the consecration, the communion cup, the baptismal fountain, the ashes on the forehead. In Braiding Sweetgrass, the indigenous biologist and author Robin Wall Kimmerer recounts an observance enacted daily during the summer months that her family camped …

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Wide Spot: Bull’s Eye!

I recently participated in a difficult conversation. The conversation was difficult primarily because I responded badly to a remark made by the other person. Since this person is the one with whom I cohabit, it is not the first time I reacted in this way. Regrettably, it is also probably not the last time that …

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Wide Spot: Just Standing

Years ago, not long after my father died, a friend of mine called in a favour. While I can’t even remember her name, I do remember the favour: to be present while her favourite horse was put down. It was the last thing I wanted to do. But I went because she asked. I have …

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Wide Spot: Thumper’s Advice

Forget the death of Bambi’s mother. The scene that riveted me in the movie Bambi was dark, tense, everyone staring at the rude little rabbit who was being reminded by his mother of how he was supposed to treat others. All my attention was on Thumper as he said carefully, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t …

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